To Sir with Love

by Ryan Clement, barrister The Past DEAR SIR, I had a good day today, I think. I went to see a career advisor who asked me what I wanted to be? I told him if I couldn’t be a footballer, I wanted to be a doctor or lawyer because they’re good jobs. He told meContinue reading “To Sir with Love”

We Reap What We Sow!

by Ryan Clement FRSA, barrister IN THE UK, as we are about to enter a season of political rhetoric, soundbites and accusations (true and false), it was a pleasure today to speak in every class of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School & Nursery in North West London as part of its Careers Week,Continue reading “We Reap What We Sow!”

Life at the Bar

by Ryan Clement, barrister I am often asked, what is life like at the Bar and I am always more than happy to take time to answer and, if I am asked with the obvious aim or intention of the inquirer’s considering a career in this part of the legal profession, I encourage. It isContinue reading “Life at the Bar”

Called to the Bar

On 10 October 1996 I was Called to the Bar of England & Wales. I remember the day as if it were only yesterday. I made my way to Chancery Lane, in London, to collect my wig and gown for the day’s event. Many would be barrister, alone or accompanied by family, loved ones andContinue reading “Called to the Bar”