
by Ryan Clement ON SUNDAY, 17 December 2023, all being well, I shall be at Anfield for the match between Liverpool and Manchester United to which I am very much looking forward. This week I was driving to court. I was thinking about the upcoming ‘Man U’ match and my last trip to Anfield, whichContinue reading “Why?”

Hillsborough Charter

by Ryan Clement As a sports’ fan, As one that attends many live sports’ events with and without my son, As a barrister, As a football fan, As a Liverpool fan, The Hillsborough Disaster was and is immensely painful. Families of the victims have been pushing for ‘Hillsborough law’ to outlaw alleged police cover-ups after majorContinue reading “Hillsborough Charter”


by Ryan Clement ON SATURDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2023 I was at Anfield for the 12.30pm kickoff Merseyside derby – Liverpool v Everton. As was expected, there was much banter between the fans, not entirely wishing the other the best. However, on a matter far more serious and important than a sports event, involving two localContinue reading “Peace!”