Life at the Bar

by Ryan Clement, barrister I am often asked, what is life like at the Bar and I am always more than happy to take time to answer and, if I am asked with the obvious aim or intention of the inquirer’s considering a career in this part of the legal profession, I encourage. It isContinue reading “Life at the Bar”


by Ryan Clement ON SATURDAY, 21 OCTOBER 2023 I was at Anfield for the 12.30pm kickoff Merseyside derby – Liverpool v Everton. As was expected, there was much banter between the fans, not entirely wishing the other the best. However, on a matter far more serious and important than a sports event, involving two localContinue reading “Peace!”

A day in my life

by Ryan Clement Maurice Bishop (1944-1983) IF YOU ASK many people what they did on a particular day last week, let alone a few years ago, unless something remarkable or exceptional happened or occurred, it is highly unlikely that most, myself included, would be able to recall accurately the events of that week or year.Continue reading “A day in my life”

Prostate Cancer

by Ryan Clement I AM TOLD that most men will die with prostate cancer than from it. We all, I believe, are far more enlightened and educated about PC than, say, 10 years ago. However, sadly, I find that there are still two camps amongst us; those who know and have regular checks and thoseContinue reading “Prostate Cancer”

The Mythological Beginning

by Ryan Clement, LLM, BA, BSc, FRSA THIS IS A STORY about the beginning as the Ancient Greeks perceived it to be. Today, we put it in the draw of mythology, Greek Mythology. In fact, the ensuing Romans didn’t dispute much of it either apart from changing a name here and there such as the Greek Uranus to Roman Neptune. IContinue reading “The Mythological Beginning”

The Power of Speech

Powerful speeches are timeless and can be listened to over and over again without wear, erosion, boredom or losing relevance. They transcend over many, too many to mention. In my view, no consideration would be complete without Dr King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech.  It is one of those speeches that moves you onContinue reading “The Power of Speech”

Called to the Bar

On 10 October 1996 I was Called to the Bar of England & Wales. I remember the day as if it were only yesterday. I made my way to Chancery Lane, in London, to collect my wig and gown for the day’s event. Many would be barrister, alone or accompanied by family, loved ones andContinue reading “Called to the Bar”

Pourquoi j’aime lire des livres

by Ryan Clement WHO doesn’t like a good read? To each her/his/their/its own. It’s personal. For me, I like, nay, love a book that transcends me to a place beyond the surface of the plot alone or has an underlying theme that gets me thinking further about a subject matter or challenges a thought IContinue reading “Pourquoi j’aime lire des livres”

Mental Health Awareness blog video 1

by Ryan Clement TODAY’s blog is unusual. I say this because it is not so much a blog in the ordinary sense but one that does little more than introduce my latest video. I would not normally use this platform for a video premier, but there is a link. This video is the visual formContinue reading “Mental Health Awareness blog video 1”

Help OUR Children Prepare for Their Exams!

by Ryan Clement That was the week that was! In association with Black Wall St. Media, I wrote a series of articles for Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 in the U.K. (see blogs Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 (BWSM); Mental Health Awareness (Day 1) (BWSM); Knowledge (Day 2) (BWSM);  Discrimination (Day 3 (BWSM); Provision, Criterion or Practice (Day 4) (BWSM); and Remedy (Day 5) (BWSM). These articles were writtenContinue reading “Help OUR Children Prepare for Their Exams!”