Ethnicity Pay Gap

by Ryan Clement RECENTLY, I had the pleasure of chatting to Dianne Greyson of #EthnicityPayGap who has been championing the cause of highlighting and addressing pay gap due to workers’ ethnicity. Dianne spoke about her work and some of the challenges she faces. We also spoke about Colourism, which is a term I first encounteredContinue reading “Ethnicity Pay Gap”

Windrush Day 2024

by Ryan Clement TODAY IS WINDRUSH DAY 2024. Of course, not everyone from the Caribbean in the 1950s and 1960s arrived on the famous Empire Windrush, which, incidentally, was a German built ship initially named MV Monte Rosa. HOWEVER, it is symbolic of a generation that left the sunny shores of the Caribbean to makeContinue reading “Windrush Day 2024”

Diversity and Inclusion

by Ryan Clement NOT EVERYONE buys into diversity and inclusion, and not everyone is sold on it either. Some say it does not work. Many believes it does. Some say the benefits, if any, are impossible to measure. Some say the benefits are obvious because there is a wider and diverse pool of talent from whichContinue reading “Diversity and Inclusion”