To Sir with Love

by Ryan Clement, barrister The Past DEAR SIR, I had a good day today, I think. I went to see a career advisor who asked me what I wanted to be? I told him if I couldn’t be a footballer, I wanted to be a doctor or lawyer because they’re good jobs. He told meContinue reading “To Sir with Love”


by Ryan Clement, barrister IN THIS BLOG I discuss Protected Disclosures aka ‘whistleblowing’ within the context of employment, which is what a whistleblower has to make in order to be protected from suffering a detriment or be dismissed because they ‘whistleblew.’ A PROTECTED DISCLOSURE is a qualifying disclosure that is made by a worker to, for example, their employer or a body that hasContinue reading “WHISTLEBLOWING!”

Human Resources

by Ryan Clement TODAY, 20 May 2024, is International HR Day. I have the pleasure of working with a wide range of people who have a wide range of skills. As I am instructed by both claimants and respondents, I inevitably work closely with and alongside many Human Resources Managers. Something that has struck meContinue reading “Human Resources”

Brown v. Board of Education

by Ryan Clement, barrister TODAY marks the 70th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Brown v. the Board of Education, which put to an end the “separate but equal” precedent set by the Court over half a century earlier in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson. IN A NUTSHELL, the challenge was against a segregationContinue reading “Brown v. Board of Education”


by Ryan Clement IN THIS ARTICLE, I am going to discuss, ‘Whistleblowing,’ from an employment perspective.  FIRST THING to make clear are two things. It’s not about actually blowing a whistle to one’s employer, although, of course, there is nothing in law preventing a worker from doing so when disclosing information about a wrongdoing. Second,Continue reading ““WHISTLEBLOWING” IN EMPLOYMENT AND THE WORKPLACE”


by Ryan Clement, LL.M., BA., BSc., FRSA, barrister UNLIKE within some jurisdictions (where some jurors become celebrities in their own right if chosen for high-profile cases), we in the UK are not privy to the deliberations of a jury. If you haven’t yet watched or heard Channel 4’s experiment in, ‘The Jury; Murder Trial,’ andContinue reading “THE VERDICT”

U.N. Declaration of Human Rights

by Ryan Clement TODAY, 10 December 2023, marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which came into force in 1948, being just 3 years after the end of World War II. The Declaration provides that, as human beings, we are entitled to stipulated basic rights regardless of race, colour,Continue reading “U.N. Declaration of Human Rights”

Hillsborough Charter

by Ryan Clement As a sports’ fan, As one that attends many live sports’ events with and without my son, As a barrister, As a football fan, As a Liverpool fan, The Hillsborough Disaster was and is immensely painful. Families of the victims have been pushing for ‘Hillsborough law’ to outlaw alleged police cover-ups after majorContinue reading “Hillsborough Charter”

Life at the Bar

by Ryan Clement, barrister I am often asked, what is life like at the Bar and I am always more than happy to take time to answer and, if I am asked with the obvious aim or intention of the inquirer’s considering a career in this part of the legal profession, I encourage. It isContinue reading “Life at the Bar”

Prostate Cancer

by Ryan Clement I AM TOLD that most men will die with prostate cancer than from it. We all, I believe, are far more enlightened and educated about PC than, say, 10 years ago. However, sadly, I find that there are still two camps amongst us; those who know and have regular checks and thoseContinue reading “Prostate Cancer”