To Sir with Love

by Ryan Clement, barrister The Past DEAR SIR, I had a good day today, I think. I went to see a career advisor who asked me what I wanted to be? I told him if I couldn’t be a footballer, I wanted to be a doctor or lawyer because they’re good jobs. He told meContinue reading “To Sir with Love”


by Ryan Clement THIS BLOG speaks for itself. No more words necessary! “Good, Better, Best Never Let it Rest Till Your Good is Your Better And Your Better is Your Best!” Said Cllr Michelle Simmons-Safo during our conversation. You can watch the Full Video HERE: #motivation #inspiration #aspiration #achieve Copyright © Ryan Clement 2024

Windrush Day 2024

by Ryan Clement TODAY IS WINDRUSH DAY 2024. Of course, not everyone from the Caribbean in the 1950s and 1960s arrived on the famous Empire Windrush, which, incidentally, was a German built ship initially named MV Monte Rosa. HOWEVER, it is symbolic of a generation that left the sunny shores of the Caribbean to makeContinue reading “Windrush Day 2024”

Happy Father’s Day

by Ryan Clement TODAY is FATHER’s DAY. So, for the shortest blog ever, just wishing you all a Happy Father’s Day, and I mean ALL, not restricted or limited to biological fathers. But you know who you are! Also, remembering the millions of forefathers on whose ancestral shoulders we now stand. We owe YOU! @Continue reading “Happy Father’s Day”

We Reap What We Sow! 2

by Ryan Clement THIS SHORT BLOG is titled ‘We Reap What We Sow! 2’ because it follows the first offering, which was published last month – ‘We Reap What We Sow!’ AS A BRIEF RECAP, on 24 May 2024 I spoke at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School & Nursery in London as partContinue reading “We Reap What We Sow! 2”

Diversity and Inclusion

by Ryan Clement NOT EVERYONE buys into diversity and inclusion – I do – and not everyone is sold on it either. Some say it does not work. Many believes it does. Some say the benefits, if any, are impossible to measure. Some say the benefits are obvious because there is a wider and diverse poolContinue reading “Diversity and Inclusion”


by Ryan Clement DISGRACEFUL! I am not referring to England football team’s defeat against Iceland at Wembley on 7 June 2024 as part of its preparation for Euro 2024. I am referring to the media coverage, following the defeat. Unfortunately, I missed the game but I assume that England were allowed to use more thanContinue reading “Disgraceful!”

Joining the Force

by Ryan Clement WHEN I WAS GROWING UP, many of my friends wanted to be a footballer, doctor or lawyer. In our minds, the first was a possibility whilst the second and third were merely distant dreams rather than true or real tangible aspirations. They had a ring to them, in that order; doctor orContinue reading “Joining the Force”


by Ryan Clement, barrister IN THIS BLOG I discuss Protected Disclosures aka ‘whistleblowing’ within the context of employment, which is what a whistleblower has to make in order to be protected from suffering a detriment or be dismissed because they ‘whistleblew.’ A PROTECTED DISCLOSURE is a qualifying disclosure that is made by a worker to, for example, their employer or a body that hasContinue reading “WHISTLEBLOWING!”

We Reap What We Sow!

by Ryan Clement FRSA, barrister IN THE UK, as we are about to enter a season of political rhetoric, soundbites and accusations (true and false), it was a pleasure today to speak in every class of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School & Nursery in North West London as part of its Careers Week,Continue reading “We Reap What We Sow!”